
Wednesday 3 March 2010

Cheering up

I’m having a really crappy day, being kind of anxious for no particular reason, and have been cheering myself up by leaving my pretty table runner on the table after taking pictures of it.
The table runner is one of four that I made 4 years ago, and I promised a friend to make a pattern. It’s about time I guess, but today I’m not in the mood for doing much productive. I have one quilt that only needs some beading, one that only needs some words and one that needs the binding stitched to the back. Well, they (and all the patterns that I should have would have could have finished) will still be here tomorrow.

I’ll be meeting up with my friendly little sewing group tonight; that will cheer me up for sure! The table runner has to go when I do so it won’t get dirty from food and small & happy fingers and newspapers; I’ll put it back tomorrow though.


  1. That table runner IS very cheery! The shape of the flowers is wonderful.

  2. Hope the "funk" passes with the quilting get together and you get back to your happy and productive self.

  3. I hope your group and being with like minded friends cheers you up. We all have days like that. Some days we just need to be kind to ourselves and not expect to be very creative every single day. Your runner is gorgeous!

  4. Looking at your lovely tablerunner certainly cheers me up! Hope your group helps. Some days are just like that.

  5. I would not have a crappy day, if I had such a nice tabletopper on my table.
    Why have we never seen this at "Løa på Varatun"??
    Bra jobba.

  6. So pretty. Pink is the best. Are you stitching by hand and by machine? Gorgeous.

  7. I hope you feel better soon - your table runner IS gorgeous!!!! So is your blog, always love to come and have a nose around!

  8. Oh Nina Lise I'm sorry you are not having a great day. You always inspire and cheer me up. I hope you know you are admired and loved by many! And I love this table runner too! Such a very cheerful table runner. You are truly so very talented and creative. I hope all your tomorrows are cheerful & creative days!


  9. Sorry about the funky day, hope that beautiful table runner managed to cheer you up a bit. It is gorgeous!

  10. Well, I LOVE that table runner - it is definitely cheerful so I hope it works to bust you out of your day and into a fun stitch gathering tonight. I'm off to the chocolate shop to find you some sugar-free treats...hang in there!!!

  11. I just found your blog. I'm dying to know what is inside the little bundles.

  12. Love your blog, your ideas, design and admire the way they come out. So beautiful!

  13. I'm roaming through Quilter Blogs and saw this picture and knew right away that it was yours. I love it. You have a distinct style. Very eye catching. Cheer up!

  14. That table runner is very cheery (and pretty too!) I hope that it did the trick for you.

  15. Hi Nina Lise,

    Must admit not being over my illness yet is bringing me down, but your table runner sure helps :)
    I hope you feel much brighter soon too. I have always found that being part of a sewing group cheers me up no end. If "misery loves company'then perhaps its to shoo the blues away :)
    Be kind to yourself :)

    Lots of hugs,

  16. Soon spring will be here and that should help keep away all the crabbiness-for-no-reason. In the meantime, that beautiful tablerunner will pass for spring color!

  17. The runner is lovely - sometimes we need to return to former work and just let the crappy day fly out the window. Chin Up!

  18. The runner is so fun and bright- I love the pretty colors and the funky design. Hope tomorrow's dawn is full of rich colors and something arrives to make you smile.
    Wishing a wonderful day.

  19. Lovely tablerunner! Love the colors and the pattern is great!
    Great way to cheer up a bad day. Wish tomorrow will be more sunny...

  20. your are right NIna. That is a very cheery runner. Love it!

  21. Lekker fargerik løper du har laget. Nå er det vår og disse fargene passer perfekt, blir i godt humør av disse :-)

  22. A real happy table-runner! I love the shaped you work with!

    Hope you will feel more happy after meeting your crafty friends!


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