Sunday, 18 April 2010

Say Cheese, Freaky First attempt and a Winner

For my first go at the self portrait challenge over at Bumble Beans, I have printed out this picture (the only half decent picture I have of myself) onto Lutradur using soft greys.
The picture was a bit too light to see the lines properly, so while I do recognize my face, it’s not exactly accurate. I used fabric crayons to colour a few parts of the picture; the mouth being one of them in case you didn’t notice. With a whitish background, I look quite scary.-)
Changing the background to a greenish patterned linen fabric and adding white and some colourful scraps behind the picture makes all the difference.
Still a bit scary, but it’s for fun, right? Now I’ll have to figure out how to quilt this thing; I do have to add some dept into my face for sure or I’ll look like a colourful pancake. Or I just might have another go with a darker picture on which I actually can see my facial features…

And now to the winner of the Heavenly Angel pattern Giveaway. has done its magic and

Mary on Lake Pulaski is the winner of the English pattern and
Tone is the winner of the Norwegian pattern.

Congratulations to you both; and to the rest of you – thanks for playing along!


  1. Nina Mary will love ,love the prize. I like the portrait. It looks great!

  2. Thank you so much - I think some Christmas gifts will be made soon!

  3. Nina Lise, the portrait is remarkable. What a fun project. Have you seen those portrait quilts made of thousands of 1 inch squares? Close up you can't tell what it is but from a distance it looks just like a portrait of yourself.

  4. Fun project, I think you did a good job on your self portrait. It takes a lot of time to work in the details.

  5. Takker så mye :-) Jeg er en av de heldige som har vunnet mønster. Så morsomt du har fått det til med fjeset ditt også - masse eksperiment her skjønner jeg - kreativiteten blomstrer. Skal bli gøy og følge prosjektet videre.

  6. Great job on your self-portrait!

  7. I like the portrait...I am anxious to get started on mine...the portrait blog is pretty inspiring!


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