Can anyone tell me if beading (those little glass beads) takes regular washing in the washing machine, or is it only suitable for wall hangings???
The pacifier tree from yesterday’s post is, as a few of you guessed, a tree where kids have been hanging their pacifiers when they would stop using them. How it started in the first place I don’t know; maybe someone found a pacifier on the path and hung it in a tree nearby, but it’s been there for a very long time - to someone’s joy and others irritation. The pacifiers have been taken down and thrown in the garbage and the tree has even been chopped down. I smile every time I pass by, and am glad to see that there’s a new tree where the pacifiers are proudly displayed with a sign that says “let the pacifiers hang”.
30-40 kits, what were you thinking. Sample you are drafting looks intriguing? Wonder what it will turn out to be..... My son never had to throw his pacifier away, it was his thumb...xox Corrine