Monday, 9 January 2012

Sunday stroll

It has been a while since I brought a camera on a Sunday stroll; pretty much because it’s been a while since I did a lot of strolling on a Sunday. However, yesterday daughter and grandson invited me for a walk around our favorite recreational area. I was totally in a fabric induced coma, but thankfully I went along because the fresh air and lovely company did me all kinds of good. There were lots of people out strolling, but I don’t mind; fresh air is fresh air. It was getting quite dark before we made it all the way around the lake, and for once I was not the only slow one with daughter being 7 months pregnant and all. Grandson put some extra miles behind him running back and forward all the time. Oh how I wish I had a little of his energy.

We made a few pit stops on our way; some at playgrounds,

others to enjoy the shapes and reflections of nature

and the dummy tree

and the glass dome at the art museum.

Brilliant stroll indeed!


  1. Looks like ti and he is just so darn cute! I want those pants for myself! xox Corrine

  2. Looks like a great time! He's really growing!

  3. Lovely place to stroll. Looks like you don't have a lot of snow yet either.

  4. Oh what a brilliant idea, the dummie tree!!!! Is it at a children's play park? Love your pix.


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