
Thursday 15 March 2012

Sleeps with wool

Just as I finished off another crocheted basket I felt a twang of pain and woops, I have tendinitis. I cannot say that I don’t understand why because I do; my left arm is a weak spot and I haven’t been taking good care of it lately. Now I’m on a strict no-use-of-left-hand-diet for a week or two; no big deal. One day I’ll create an ode to my left arm, I just need them both to do it.

Instead of thinking about all the things I can’t do and how hard it has been to get back into the studio in my post-crazy-book-work-schedule-exhaustion-mode anyway, I will rather share some things I have been working on this winter and maybe take a few trips down memory lane.

I spent big parts of 2011 fighting off throat infections, sinus infections, bronchitis, strep infections, colds; if it was passing by, my immune system would roll out the red carpet and invite it to stay for as long as it pleased. It was not a good thing for any year and especially not the year of writing a book. Well, it all changed mid December and the recipe was simple: lots of vitamin C whenever there was a tickle – and a 24/7 wool wearing regime. Thanks to my parents’ extensive travelling I have an around-the-world scarves collection which came in handy as one of them (a cashmere/silk blend) has kept me warm at night and these alpaca neck warmers/cowls have been the go to accessory during daytime.

Single ones

and double ones,

all knitted in different simple knit/purl patterns.

The alpaca yarn came on a 1,4kg giant spool, and will last forever. That’s fine as it’s fabulous to work with and even more fabulous to wear. I had to stop at 4 because how many of these in the same colour do a woman need.

And in case you wonder about the heading – think Dances with wolves (yup, I used to be a bit of a Kevin Costner fan).


  1. So pretty, ah well rest that arm! xox Corrine

  2. Vitamin C and wool....sounds like a great prescription!

  3. Good luck with resting the arm! Your alpaca knits are beautiful. The yarn feels so soft on the needles too.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. The wool sounds super cosy!

  5. Since my hubby is part Native American I gave him an appropriate NA name - Hunts with Tissue... (He uses a couple of them to get the spiders.) Now the whole family has NA names. It's lots of fun... and they change regularly. That's what I thought when I saw your header... Nina has a Native American name, too.


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