
Wednesday 4 April 2012

Celebrating spring Giveaway

Sorry, the giveaway is now closed!

We have been blessed with a fantastic weather this week. It’s still a bit on the chilly side, but the skies are blue and the sun is out. I have been on baby-duty for a couple of nights, totally voluntarily and lovely grandma/baby-bonding-time, but being a 50-something and all, I honestly preferred to take a nap today rather than anything else including creative playtime.

In the spirit of this fabulous week and having received the first batch of my book, Gledesspredere, it is time to host a celebratory giveaway, and the prize is a signed copy of this fabulous book. It is still in Norwegian, but I’ll ship anywhere.

To enter the giveaway you’ll just need to leave a comment on this post before closing time on Monday April 9th in the evening, Norwegian time when I’ll draw the lucky winner.

I have picked a few appropriate spring like projects from the book to share; all photos by Ragnar Hartvig – enjoy!

“Vår” (Spring)

“Morgenfugl i blomsterenga” (Early bird in the flower meadow)

“Herregårdshage” (Formal garden)

“Sol, bare sol” (Sun, just sun)

“Alle fugler” (All the birds)

“Flere fugler” (More birds)


“Blomsterbud” (Flower delivery)

A few copies of the book are available here as of today, so let me know if you’d like to order one. I will sign it if you want. The going rate is NOK 279 + shipping and handling (I know, books are quite expensive here), prepaid through PayPal (international orders). I won’t be shipping anything out until after Easter anyway, so you can still take part in the giveaway.

Happy spring and good luck to you all!


  1. I would love to win a copy of your new book Nina Lise - all those wonderful birds !!

  2. Hei
    Har nettopp fått boken din gjennom hobbyklubben!Boken var kjempefin,mange artige prosjekter,fine og tar ikke så uendelig lang tid å bli ferdig med!Skal nok lage noe fra den boken!God påske:))
    Beste hilsen Quiltegleder Margrethe Jåstad

  3. I very much enjoy following your blog and I could use some good luck!

  4. Vill så gärna vinna din bok. Är mycket förtjust i det du gör och speciellt dina fåglar :-)

  5. Gratulerer så masse!! Jeg vil gjerne prøve lykken og være med på trekningen;)

  6. Gøy,så spennende boken din ser ut,flotte farger og applikasjoner!
    Vil gjerne være med på trekningen i"give-awayen" din :-)

  7. Nina Lise, your projects are great!!! How exciting to have them published in your very own book! Would absolutely love to win a copy. Thanks for celebrating by having a giveaway ;-)

  8. Thank you for your giveaway and your book looks fantastic. So cheerful and full of colors. Please count me in!!!!

  9. Så herlege fuglar - kul strek du har!
    Er sjølvsagt med i trekninga.
    God påske til deg :o)

  10. Thank you for the giveaway chance! I'd love to see Norway one day.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks for a little preview of the book. Love your whimsical designs, especially all bird related ones! I would love to win a copy, even if it’s in Norwegian!

  13. All of your designs are so fabulous, fresh and fun. I love everything you do. Congratulations on achieving your first book. I know it must have been an extraordinary amount of work! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!!

  14. Gratulerer med ny bok!
    Jeg vil gjerne være med.
    Hilsen Wenche

  15. Just found your blog whilst I was blog hopping. The book and your work looks great. I really like the birds you clearly have a sense of humour.

  16. Congratulations! Will your book eventually be translated to English? I love your work...especially the little birds! They are great!
    Oh, almost forgot...please enter me in your drawing!

  17. I love the cute! You are very talented!

  18. Congratulations! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win your book. The pages you have shown are beautiful!!! If I don't win how/where can I order it from Norway?

  19. Congratulations!
    Your birds are so wonderful and cute!
    I want to win your book. ;-)
    And i want to know, if i can order it through paypal.

    Best regards
    from Germany

  20. Boka ser spennende ut og jeg blir gjerne med i din give away :-) Så mange flotte bilder og mye inspirasjon......
    Ønsker deg en riktig fin påske.

  21. Your book looks absolutely fabulous!! I have one of your art pieces on my kitchen wall (poppies) and I love it!! Now it would be special to have your book on my coffee table in the family room! Thanks for the chance! Hugs!

  22. Would love to win a copy of the book! It looks terrific. Belated happy birthday wishes to you! Happy Easter.....peace.

  23. Hei, så fine glimt fra boka di... Jeg deltar gjerne i trekningen av din give-away. Ha en flott påske :) Anne

  24. Boka di ser veldig kjekk ut! Deltar gjerne i give-away.
    Fortsatt god påske til deg!
    Hilsen Mari L : o)

  25. Would love a chance to win....thanks. Everything you do is so fun to see and let my imagination follow. I have "Put on a happy face" hanging for all to see.

  26. I'd love to get a copy of your book in any language!

  27. I love to win the book! Thanks for the chance! :)

  28. Congratulations on having your book published. I'd love to win a copy.

  29. For en fantastisk flott blogg! Denne boka skulle jeg bli kjempe-vanvittig-veldig glad om jeg vant! Jeg legger deg på bloggrullen min for jeg må ha med meg fortsettelsen! Hilsen Siri:-)

  30. Kjempe fin blogg og flott bok. Du laga mykje flott og kreativt. Forsatt god påske. Klem Lilla dør

  31. Gratulerer med fargerik og flott bok! Hadde værtgøy å vinne!

  32. your book looks just wonderful...I am so proud of you!


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