Friday 24 January 2014

The Blue Placemats

I wanted to give my parents something handmade for Christmas, and blue is always a safe bet with my mother. I had some scraps leftover from this table cloth. Well, actually I cut lots of extra 2 ½” strips for that quilt so that I could make a birthday quilt for grandson as well, and grandbaby’s christening quilt were also made from the same strips. So what does that make these little fabric scraps - leftovers from leftovers from leftovers? Leftovers three times removed? Never-ending fabric strips?

Anyway, I brought the scraps to a guild meeting a while ago, and randomly stitched them into a piece of made fabric jellyroll race style. This piece was cut apart and stitched back together with pieces of a recycled curtain fabric. The colour and look is rather denim-ish, but it is very soft and lovely.

While one side was bleached by the sun, the other side looked brand new and it passed the rip-test. If you are unfamiliar with this test, you grab the fabric with both hands, and pull as hard as you can. If it doesn’t rip, it’s fine to use.

I had just enough pieced fabric for 4 place mats, and they look quite different, which I like.


My quilting buddies and I had an interesting discussion about how to balance the made fabric and the top and bottom borders while I was making them. It was very interesting to hear the different point of views. No wonder that there are so many different quilts out there.

Simple straight-ish line quilting using the walking foot; goes with anything.

Maybe I should have quilted them with orange thread; the orange binding basting seams looked quite nice with all that blue.

Pictures taken in a hurry in the evening before my parents' arrival; I even forgot to sign them before wrapping them up. And I who sign Everything. Oh well; they know who made them.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It really is an eyeopener to hear different views on quilting. So MANY opinions! Really great placemats--they make a wonderful gift I'm sure. Thanks for sharing your rip tip. Haven't heard that one before.

  2. Jeg hadde heller ikke hört "the rip tip." Det var ganske smart.
    Jeg er enig i at det fines så utrolig mange måter å quilte på. Det er bra at alle kan finne sin egen stil, det blir mere spennede da. Ha en fin helg.

  3. These are lovely - it is always good to hear others' opinions - often they see things we don't! I like the different sizes on top and bottom - makes it more interesting. Have a lovely weekend - stay warm!

  4. These are so simple yet so graphic and of course that little hit of orange. I love them. The background fabric has a wonderful textural quality that makes me want to touch it. Nice gift...xox

  5. I nummer 1 av Quiltemagasinet från år 2011 såg jag Ditt mönster på "En blomma som aldrig vissnar" och har ända sedan dess haft den på "min vill-göra-lista" som jag har "i mitt huvud".
    Nu har jag sytt den och tycker att Din blomma är ljuvligt vacker, än i dag!
    Om Du är intresserad av att se hur jag har sytt min duk så visar jag den på min blogg i dag.


  6. Love the groovy colours you've used on your work.
    I bet it will be a much loved gift.
    Cheers, Anita.


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