Tuesday 25 March 2014

Kvist class at Norsk Quiltetreff

I love the ebb and flow of this class. The delight when the students get to fondle their materials, the zen of freeform shape cutting, the beauty of the trash bin, the process of getting each little piece in The Right Place, the humming of sewing machines going full speed ahead, the joy of watching magic happen as the quilting process progresses and turns little bits and pieces into beautiful painted-ish artwork, the group picture with all the different variations of branches, and the show & tell at the end of the day.

Indeed, it is a joy to teach this class!

Thank you, ladies, for spending the day with me, and making the class such a delight to teach!


  1. Very poetic! Everybody made a lovely piece.

  2. Hei igjen, og takk for sist;) Veldig hyggelig å møte deg igjen;) Flinke kursdeltakere og læremester.


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