Saturday 23 June 2012

Toe woe

A regular visit at my foot therapist this week left me with an inflammated pinky toe. Being a diabetic and all, this is a bit scary in addition to quite painful. With all the padding and dressing it looks like I've grown a 6th toe and wearing shoes is not an option.

Not to worry, I am sure I'll find something useful to do besides watching telly, I have lots of sheers (if not peers) to play with, no feet needed...


  1. Huff da! Bra om du greier å bruke hendene til noe du har lyst til, og som kan få tankene litt bort fra det vonde. Riktig, riktig god bedring til deg!
    P.S. Jeg har ikke glemt kortene, men bare ikke kommet igang enda...

  2. So sorry to hear you are having little piggy troubles. Glad to see it won't keep you down.

  3. Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!! Take care and feel better soon! xox

  4. Glad to hear that all that bandage and sore toe won't stop you from being creative.

    Loved the 1st comment....the Huff da part. I used to hear my Grandfather and aunts say that all the time. Brought back so many wonderful memories of family get-togethers.

  5. OH no! Poor you. Is it feeling any better now?


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