Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Fargerike Florø

The annual Vestlandstreff was this last weekend and I left for Florø on Friday, taking my first small-plane-flight ever. It was, as always, lots of fun catching up with old friends and making new ones. There was exhibitions and dinners and raffles and lots of colour and laughter.

I taught two classes, the first being the colour theory class Fargerike. The class preparation is a lot of work, but it’s all worth it. During a few hours we go from this

to this, working our way through different ways of putting colours together. No sewing, just fusing pieces together until the tables are empty.

Colour theory is rather heavy stuff with lots of terms, so I aim for making it less about theory and more about how to use it.

(My sample there on the wall)

After making colour wheels and putting 60 blocks together, we dived into this

practicing what we had learned through some exercises using the students favourite colours, and least favourite colour.

There were lots of laughter around the table and quite a few aha-moments as someone realized they actually loved their least favourites looking at them in a new way. Who said you cannot do serious learning in a playful way.

We finished our time together clearing all the colour off the table and talking about different ways of using the blocks, and how they could be quilted. A very nice way to wind down indeed. 

Thank you ladies, for being such great students, and have fun playing with colours!


  1. Looks like a really fun class. Your students were obviously having a marvelous time. xox

  2. Dette så spennende ut. Jeg fikk ikke reist til Florø, men håper å få med meg dette eller et annet av dine kurs senere.

  3. Oh wow! That looks like such a wonderful class! Kudos to you for making it fun.:)

  4. Hei Nina! Har fått mange gode tilbakemeldinger på at det var eit flott og kjekt kurs , takk skal du ha , ha ei fortsatt fin veke ! Klem frå meg :-)

  5. Looks like everybody learned lots and enjoyed a bunch, too.

  6. You are such a clever teacher!!!

  7. Of course taking a class with you would be fun! Learning something new is just a bonus.


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