Monday, 18 May 2015

How does your garden grow

I understand that many quilters also are avid gardeners, which actually happens to be true for many of my quilting friends. Here, however, there is not much happening in the void which once was our garden. Not that we ever had a beautiful one, but there was a big patio and a lawn and a trampoline and a slide and soccer goals; you get the picture. We need some new concrete walls, a little more dirt, some grass seeds, a dumpster for all the building debris, a week or so for husband to build the new patio, preferably on this side of summer, and some new furniture for all of us, and we’ll be set for the summer. It will be great. It will be our kind of garden.

In my studio however, things are blooming.

These flowers will never need watering or weeding, and no lawn mower will ever need to be worked around them. That’s my kind of flowers.


  1. Dette ser ut til å bli en flott blomst. Kjekt med slike som varer evig. Hos meg har akkurat første rhododendron blomstret, og den har jeg fått med på siste blogginnlegg. De er bare nydelige, og kommer nå på rekke og rad utover måneden.

  2. En flott blomst. Jeg liker disse farger veldig godt

  3. Sweet, are those quilted sandwiches with fibers in there too? xox


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