Thursday 19 January 2012

Intuition Quilt, Day Twelve

Ok, so I’m officially in love with this quilt. It literally brightens up the dark and grey days of a snowless winter and brings much needed warmth and light into my day. I keep it hanging over a chair in my living room just so that I can enjoy it when I’m not working on it, only removing it when daughter’s coming over.

What can I say; I love the lines and colours

and the little bumps made by stitching around circles

which are showing even better on the back

and the threads, oh all the lovely thread.

I don’t even mind that a little red has bled into white dots (that’s why I usually wash everything. Everything!). It must have happened a long time ago, I just hadn’t noticed.

I had picked some possible binding fabrics way back

and added one more into the mix.

If daughter has changed her mind about this quilt, I wouldn’t mind. I can keep it. Seriously.


  1. Your intuition quilt! Oh my! I can't wait to see it done! exciting!!! Do show soon! ;-)

  2. It is beautiful and cheery. I can see why you love it so much. Your machine quilting is wonderful. I am trying it again but I find it quite frustrating at times.

  3. What I can see is spectacular, I love it too! xox Corrine

  4. I love your quilts! My mother was a quilter and I always thought I would be too, but my interests have gone in the direction of painting. I'm glad to see the art of quilting is alive and well.

  5. Helt superläcker!!! De olikfärgade trådarna gör verkligen att det hela "lyfter".


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