Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Hello April

Even though we have two more days off at Easter than most other countries with both Thursday and Monday being official holidays, Easter went by too quickly. Grandson has been spending the better part of the last week and a half with us, so the house is very quiet now.

We spent the last 5 days at the cabin which was sunny and cold. Lots of snow, lots of sledding, lots of soccer on the patio, lots of shoveling snow to get hold of the ball, lots of board games, lots of good food, lots of company, too little sleep, too little exercise, too little creative play, perfect.

I did not bring my sewing machine as I was afraid I would spend too much time indoors sewing instead of having fun with my family, but we keep a small stash of crafting supplies up there, so grandson and I made a tunnel for his cars from two pieces of cardboard, newspapers and PVA glue which we painted with acrylics.

We have lots of fun recycling materials which we would probably throw away at home, so I keep adding such materials to the stash. The serenity prayer flag was still there although the bottom has been snagged by a branch. There was too much snow to un-snag it, so it has to wait until the snow is gone.

Now I’m ready for spring. Happy April everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta have some arts & crafts along with all the other fun stuff.
    How is your daughter doing?
    I'm also wondering - does your glass chicken lay glass eggs?


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