Monday, 13 May 2013

Whatever, The setup

I have done a little remodelling of our dining room table, transferring half of it into an ironing board. Having learned from previous Oh... moments (it turns out that neither our tables nor the floor take heat (nor safety pins for that matter) very well, who knew), I have padded the surface properly and then some.

One double layer of felted wool, one layer of really heavy weight felted wool, and one double layer of heavy cotton fabric. I’m not using steam, and have checked if the heath travels through all the layers, and it doesn’t.

The appliqué pattern is blown up into the right format. I often find that the first sketch I make is the best. No matter how many times I try, I never seem to get it totally right again. Like ever. This time I transferred that first sketch onto semi transparent paper, and borrowed a copier to do the blowing up part.

I know, the picture looks a bit like a murder scene, but I promise, it won't in the end. The sketch was maybe 4” tall and needed to be 38”, so there were quite a few A3 sheets and yards of scotch tape involved in making the simple pattern.

The Whatever quilt will be an exhibition piece, so I will only be able to share snips and pieces from now on. This, however, is my "paint" - plastic bags with scraps of sheer fabrics which will be transformed into appliquê, one layer at a time. This will be the fun part.

Knowing myself, I will need to let it percolate a few times during the creative process, but hopefully it will be finished on time. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, nothing gets those creative juices flowing like a real life deadline.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. See a deadline to me just shuts them down....funny how we all react so differently. I think your murder victim which wont' be is great, can't wait to see this all done! xox

  2. I was picturing flowers as the applique for your whatever quilt. Can't wait to see where this goes.

  3. I love to see how you plan and prepare and come up with something fabulous! I'm sure your murder victim will come to life with all those layers of fun.


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