Thursday, 17 October 2013

Weekend snips

Here’s a few snips from Vestlandstreffet in Molde this weekend. Vestlandstreffet is an annual event for the 4 counties in the western part of Norway. There are exhibitions, classes, shops, speeches, dinners, show & tell, raffles etc etc. It’s very busy and so much fun, catching up with old friends and making new ones, eating lots of good food and sleeping too little. Sounds familiar?

With a full schedule I did not get to see all the exhibitions, but there you go. You can’t do everything. The hosting guild, Molde Quiltelag, had decorated the town,

stringbombing included.

I set up an impromptu little “shop” in the shopping area for a couple of hours, doing a little marketing for my book and designs, getting to meet readers of this blog, people who had bought my book or used my patterns. It was fun to meet you all!

Edny of Edny sine puslerier (with whom I swapped ATCs last year) gave a speech about her project of using materials from nature in her quilts. She rounded everything up with a funny modern day fairytale that tied many of the projects together. You can see the quilts on her blog.

There were some wonderful textile art belonging to the hotel (I assume). Whenever I saw a new one, I said to myself that I would go there later to take pictures, but I never got around to it.
The quilt exhibition was spread throughout several spaces at the hotel including the area outside the class rooms.


The floor had a really cool pattern.

And one more view for you. We had a short meeting in the penthouse apartment. Imagine waking up to a 180 degree view every morning.

Not too shabby for Mrs Moen I'd say.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Mange artige bilder du har tatt her. Du finner flere bilder fra utstillingen på min blogg og flere andre blogger også.

  2. For en flott presentasjon av Vestlandstreffet! Tusen takk;) Håper vi treffes igjen ved neste quilteanledning;)

  3. That looks like an incredible event! Thanks for the quilt show - they are beautiful, as is the view from the penthouse. I hope your impromptu sale was a big success!

  4. Looks marvelous. Glad you had a good time. xox

  5. Så flotte bilder fra Vestlandstreffet, tusen takk:)


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