Monday, 15 February 2016

Different and yet the same

A Modern quilt Facebook group I belong to issued a small quilt challenge a while back, and I have finished two quilts measuring 12”*12”. While I cannot say that I define myself as a specific type of quilter, I can enjoy making any and all kind of quilts.

“Different and yet the same” are made from the very same scraps and quilted just a little differently.

Solid scraps with a couple of prints tossed into the mix.

Stitching together and cutting apart and stitching together.

I have no plan for them, but they look rather good together as a table runner I’d say.

I love the purple zigzag binding!

Last week was a bit of a challenge around here time wise. Our daughter was ill and the boys were staying with us for a full week, keeping us awake and occupied. My blogging time was spent doing something totally different although I have started catching up with a couple of my favourite blogs.

I spent a lot of time in the studio after dropping them off in the morning, and it was productive. With just a few hours available each day, I had to make them count. I brought both the boys up there on a Sunday armed with iPads and snacks and we all managed to stay occupied for a whopping 4 hours which included sorting buttons in paper cups. It was so nice; they could even run in the hallways as there wasn’t anyone else at work.

This week I am working hard at finishing projects, and I say hard as I feel the urge to start new projects pretty much every day. Sir John is wonderful, humming happily as he works whether it is quilting big quilts or piecing with a perfect ¼” seam allowance. A friend was visiting the studio the other day and I managed to quilt a whole quilt while we were chatting away the afternoon.

My latest obsession is curves. The theme for our guild this year is cutting equipment and I have set a goal to use the (very few) rulers I have purchased for “someday”. Well, someday is now so we’ll see where they lead me.

Thanks for stopping by!

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