Wednesday, 15 June 2016

"Daisy Chain"

“Daisy Chain”, which I shared process pictures of back here, has been finished for a while. I have been waiting for pictures of the quilt in its new home, but I keep forgetting it even though the new home is just downstairs.

Our daughter and I are both very happy with how the quilt turned out and it fits just as well on the young ones’ wall as it did on my floor while taking pictures.

I worked quite a bit on the quilting design before I started quilting, using the YouDoodle app as described in this post. I worked both on a single block 

and how to chain the blocks together. It’s such a great app.

This was my first time free motion quilting such a big all-over design – which was quite hard work as I had to make big movements. I did not mark the top, so no flowers are the same even though the number of petals is constant.

I wanted the quilting lines to be as fat as possible, and found an old black spool which would do the trick. It was rather hairy and kept breaking, but I did not give up even though there was times when I wanted nothing more. I was prepared to clean lint out of the bobbin area every hour or so, but there was surprisingly very little lint. Still, all that extra work with the thread breaking made me throw the spool out as soon as I finished quilting so I wouldn't be tempted to use it again.

The design shows well against all the fabrics,

and also quite well on the back (bobbin thread from the huge cone in this post). I found this bright and fun fabric in a bag in my studio and thought it would be perfect for such a bright and happy quilt.

I used a glue pen to temporarily attach the sleeve to the back while hand stitching it. The glue pens have spared me from unpicking thousands of basting stitches since I discovered them. You’ve got to love that.

A little warning though - it dries white, not clear. How I know? Take a guess.

The edges were a bit wobbly as I didn’t quilt all the way to the very edge, but they have already straightened out a bit while hanging.

The quilt measures 64”*48” and has my favourite low loft polyester batting which made all the moving around more bearable.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. So pretty and interesting!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wonderful graphic daisies. I like the bit of black. xox

  3. SÅ stilig denne quilten er! Kjempefint med blomsterquiltingen! :-)


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