Friday, 31 January 2014

Upcoming classes

I am preparing for upcoming classes, crazy style. I’ll be teaching at my first annual meeting of the Norwegian Quilters Association in March, and a part of the meeting is a teacher’s exhibition. Oh man, it was hard to pick and choose quilts, but I emailed off my registration forms like an hour ago and am suffering from exhibitor’s remorse already. Oh well, it’s done.

I’m almost done getting my stuff together for tomorrow’s Layer by layer Movement class. It is a wonderful group of quilters, so it will be a fun day indeed. Our young ones will stop by to say hi and see grandma at work (and I get to show them off; win, win), and grandson asked if there wasn’t any guys there, and why not. I couldn’t really give him a good answer because I see male quilters other places, but have yet to have one in my class, or even meet a Norwegian one. How is it where you live; are both genders represented there?

Daughter has helped me making kits for tomorrow, and it was amazing how quickly it went. By myself, I use the better part of a day, but the two of us used just a few hours. Brilliant, and so nice to spend some time together. They look quite delicious.

There are a few spots open on the Funky Fowl class at Sandnes Husflidslag February 11-12; two evenings.
This class is suitable for both beginner and experienced quilters. Let me know if you would like more information about the class, or if you would like to attend, and I will connect you with the person in charge.

And there are also a few spots open on the Layer upon layer Branch class at Norsk Quiltetreff in Kristiansand on March 23.
This class is also suitable for both beginner and experienced quilters. Let me know if you would like more information about the class, or send an email to to sign up.

Have a great weekend!


  1. The bags are like colorful toys waiting to be opened. xox

  2. I would love to take all your how do I manage to make that happen living here in California? I belong to 2 of which has no male members....the other does, and in fact the president of the guild is male....but he doesn't quilt. WHAT???

  3. It's a long commute for me Nina, or I would be there for sure.

  4. Exhibitors remorse--and you with so much experience showing your quilts! I'm sure they'll love your quilts.:)

  5. Spennende å følge med på dette, Nina! I KRS kan jeg se noe av det du lager; det blir gøy:-)


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