Wednesday 18 April 2012

Make a Boob at Solborg Folkehøgskole

The first Make a Boob workshop of the year took place at Solborg Folkehøgskole in Stavanger. Folkehøgskole is a one year study (typically between our high school and college/university), where the focus is on self development. The students can choose from a variety of subjects at different schools all over the country. This particular school has classes for, among other things, different types of arts like photo, movies and sewing, and I got to spend a few hours with the young ladies of the sewing class and their teacher.

It’s very interesting to visit different kinds of groups from all ages and situations. The young ladies were sweet and fun and surprisingly quiet, but that might be because of my presence. Although their main focus is on sewing garments, they seemed to enjoy the handwork.

The class has a light and airy studio at the top of a beautiful old school building, and all kinds of sewing machines and sergers at their service. I wouldn’t mind working in that studio at all!
I came home with 15 beautifully decorated boobs and lots of new knowledge about the school.

I find myself still stitching faces; they are fun and easy to make so I don’t have to think too much and can participate in conversations.

Thank you to the teacher and students for having me over and contributing to the project!
You’ll find more pictures from the day at the Make a Boob blog.


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