My little colour study from Easter break is finished though.
It is hand quilted and has a scrappy binding.
I like
the rough texture of the thrifted shirt background peeking through the scraps.
I left a 3M hook on the wall after taking down the Christmas decorations, and have been displaying small quilts as I work on them.
I quite like this one, it’s very sunny and bright, and all done by hand except for attaching the binding on the front.
Note to self: Study how to hand quilt properly. I’m sure there are better ways than my sore-fingered-and-quite-slow one.
How do you even put a regular binding on a quilt all by hand??
Nina you've been a little MIA while I have been missing quite a bit. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your play with the Tri Recs ruler. I don't use mine nearly enough and you've given me some ideas. As for your color study....I really this. I particularly enjoy that shirting showing up between your color patches and think your hand quilting adds "just enough". As always, I enjoy seeing your work.