Thursday, 21 April 2016

Zip it - again!

I have slowly made my way through my zipper stash until a point where there were very little pillow sized zippers to chose from. Not bad from a recovering zipper challenged I’d say.

I hate to have to run out and buy stuff when I’m working on a project, so I like to keep a healthy stash of regular supplies on hand. In fact, it saves me money. Not only will I get discounts when buying larger quantities, but it also keeps me from buying off-list items which we all know is a problem when entering a fabric shop. Or maybe that’s just me??

Anyway, the first time I ordered 100 or even 50 zippers, it felt almost wasteful, but that was before I learned how to add zipper closures on pillows and pouches and pencil cases and this and that. Zippers are awesome!

This is my latest order; 275 zippers from Zipit on Etsy. Aren’t they just glorious!

There are 100 18” zippers, 100 12” zipper, 50 8” zippers and 25 7” and 8” zippers. The smaller ones were on sale and now I don’t have to chop off my long ones to use in small projects. Every now and then I turn into a pouch making one-woman factory, and now I’m all set for the next time whenever that may be. You can see some of my old zippered projects here.

I am still hanging on some metal teeth zippers which I picked up at a guild meeting where a fellow member brought her late mother’s seamstress’ stash. 

I am sure there are many ways I could use them, particularly this pretty orange one.

I’ll just keep storing them as long as there is room in my box. 

In case you’re wondering, I still get the lid on.

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