Tuesday 19 January 2010

Time Management

I finally had to locate my old time manager. Way back I used to have my whole life in it, but now I have to refresh my time management skills. With all the exercising, blogging, class samples, guild- and board meetings, patterns and grandma-time, I need to plan my quilting time.

On the list for this weekend was among other things
finishing the class samples from this post,
making some small quilts for One World One Heart,
preparing the second instalment of Mrs Moen Spring Mystery,
working on my Finish It! Project from this post,
and squeezing in a few hours of hand quilting in the evening.
Ambitious? Not really as I was supposed to be home alone for the weekend, happily quilting.

Friday afternoon husband decided to not go to our cabin until Saturday because of the weather.
Saturday morning he decided not to go at all.
Saturday morning daughter got sick and I went to pick up grandson.
Saturday afternoon she came over to have company and stayed to Sunday.
Sunday morning – finally empty house!

I did start on 3 small quilts for One World One Heart, just enjoying myself playing with scraps, and I did take pictures of some quilty goodness that arrived in my mailbox last week:

I was admiring some decorations at my blogging friend Lynda’s blog and she offered me to send instructions. With them came this beautiful hot pad which she had made for me. I was so touched! Thank you Lynda!
She has posted about these hot pads; they are brilliantly simple, bright and useful. You will find her instructions here. I love them, so I see some hot pads in the future.

I have also received my goodies from notjustnat’s giweaway; look at all these stamps, and this is only half of them!

The delicate book with many lovely, soft patterns, so I see some cross stitching in the future.
The handmade heart and Chinese scissors.Nat was so kind to email me the heart shape, so I see some hearts in the future too. Thank you Natima!


  1. Congratulations on the great prize Nina. Seems like you got the time management issue down.

  2. Hi Nina, it's great to see my gifts on your blog. Those scissors have found a good home. You will love making heart decorations for Valentine's Day or Christmas. The book will be there for years to come. Enjoy Natima

  3. You definitely need a pat on the back for accomplishing so much despite the added issues.

    The hot pad and the sewing heart are both wonderful. I can see lots being made.

  4. Lovely treasures! And I think you must be the master of time management! (Maybe you should start a blog about it.)

  5. Your list of weekend challenges is amazing!

    ENjoy your gifts, they look lovely!

  6. WOW! Lots to do! Great time management thoughts! Beautiful gifties too and congrats on winning!!! Very neat presents!!! Love those scissors!

  7. Hi Nina, great to see all the fun gifts you have received. Your account of the weekend was quite fun to read. I'm sure you still got lots done and enjoyed your weekend. Your welcome for the hotpad. Bright reds just seemed to suit your personality...cheerful and energetic.

  8. Con grants for the goodies you got to create most beautiful hangings for valentine days ahead.You are professional of the time management skills i was amazed to read hoe efficiently handle the things.


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